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Ceroplastics. The Art of Wax

Ceroplastics. The art of wax | l’Erma di Bretschneider

Atti del primo Congresso Internazionale sulla ceroplastica, Londra 2017, curato da Roberta Ballestriero, Owen Burke e Francesco Maria Galassi, edizione L’Erma di Bretschneider. Presentazione nel corso del secondo congresso internazionale a Padova, 7-8 giugno 2019.


As Vasari underlined in the 16th century, it seems as if wax figures lack nothing but a breath of life, the spirit, the power of speech. Wax is a rich, complex medium allowing the creation of hyperrealistic figures, anatomical models with ‘living’ flesh and skin, votive offerings, wax masks and portraits. No other medium possesses such an ability to charm, seduce, offend or disgust: the viewer is rarely left indifferent.
On the 1st-3rd of September 2017, the major institutions related to the art of Ceroplastics (Wax Modelling) met again, the first meeting of its kind for 40 years, at an International Congress in London, presented at the Gordon Museum of Pathology, King’s College in collaboration with The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers.
The works presented in this volume offer a comprehensive overview of many different aspects of wax modelling, including: History (Major Collections), Anatomy and Science (Anatomical/botanical models), Art and Portraiture (Effigies, Portraits, Waxworks, Funeral Masks, Votive), Conservation and Restoration (maintaining, cleaning, repairing), Techniques and Contemporary Art.


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